Upcoming Activities

Activities in Green are events from across the Kingdom while activities in Brown are Shire events

All events are open to everyone! Click on event in calendar for locations

Business Meeting - The Shire of Tri Os holds its business meetings (generally) on the first Monday of every month. Officers share their monthly report to be read into the minutes, old business is attended to if needed further and new business is brought up by either shire officers or members in attendance. You do NOT need to be an officer to attend.

Belly Dance Class - Mistress Damara teaches the art of Middle Eastern Dance aka Belly Dance. No previous experience required. All levels are welcome.

A&S Meeting - The next A & S Meeting will be determined at the business meeting on September 2, 2024

Bardic Circle - The Shire of Tri Os celebrates a Bardic Circle on the last Friday of every month. We share in fellowship, bring a small dish for a potluck snack, and take turns sharing bardic performances. Bring a musical instrument be it handheld, or your voice as we sing songs, poems, stories, and let all our creative voices gather at this muse-inspired event! Good manners, and an open mind suggested.  It's also okay to just watch if you so wish so don't be shy!  Join us!