Officer Archive

May 30, 2024 - Lady Marie Macpherson is warranted to the position of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Officer.  Mistress Damara Narissa OL, OP, CBar  is warranted as the deputy to HL Enise Bint Öghüz for the office of Seneschal, which is intended to be assumed on December 1, 2024. HL Enise Bint Öghüz is warranted as the Art/Sci Officer. HL Enise Bint Öghüz has further stated the intention to assume the office of Chronicler as of December 1, 2024.

May 18, 2024 - Katerina Grôzyn von Straßdorf is warranted to the positions of Webminister and Chatelaine

May 7, 2024 - HL Grisselda Farley states through a Facebook post that she will need to step down from the positions of Art/Sci Officer and Chatelaine due to health reasons though would maintain the positions until suitable successors could be warranted.

March 28, 2024 - HL Enise Bint Öghüz states through a Facebook post that she is looking for a deputy as she will be stepping down as Seneschal at the end of November 2024 when her warrant is complete.