Shire of Tri Os
Past Event Participation

Trimarian  Crown Coronation - September 6-8, 2024

Attended by: Katerina Grôzyn, HL Beatrix de Tulp, Ulf, HL Conall Howell

It was a super humid and rainy weekend, but fun was still found.  Their Royal Majesties King Drust and Queen Kira were crowned, classes were attended, bardic circle was held in the mead tavern and Katerina competed in the Troubadour Laureate with her first kingdom performance of "The Minstrel's Muses."  Also, Beatrix and Katerina along with Laska and Guillermo from the neighboring shires of Sangre del Sol and Southkeep respectively presented our invitation at court to the crown and the populous for our event in October. 

Trimarian Royal University - July 13, 2024

Attended by: Katerina Grôzyn, Mistress Damara, HL Beatrix de Tulp, HL Raven Dudley, HL Conall Howell

Classes of all types were offered and attended; from sewing to Paypal to music and more. Delicious period food was cooked and tasted throughout the day and fellowship was the core ingredient on the menu. Katerina competed in the Jongleur Laureate amongst 5 other contestants and, though another won, she gave a strong showing to represent our shire! 

Shire of Southkeep Spanish Monastery Demo - June 23, 2024

Attended by: Dan Currier

Crafting, arts, swords and dancing were all involved at the Spanish Monastery in the shire of Southkeep and Dan represented our shire well down south!  Being an authentic monastery relocated from Europe to South Florida, it's an excellent location to see period architecture, take photographs and enjoy the company of some wonderful fellow Trimarians.

Shire of Tri Os First Axe-Throwing Outing - June 16, 2024

Attended by: Mistress Damara, Katerina Grôzyn, Ulf, and Dan Currier

It was a fabulous establishment and we were very well received and had a wonderfully fun time sharing, getting to know Dan better and learning how to throw axes. Dan won every match though Rachel was giving him a run for his money on several of them, being off by only a few points or even leading at times. It's definitely not as easy as it might seem! The final round Dan just put that axe practically where ever he wanted it, racking up an impressive 50 out of 60 score. Congratulations Dan!!

Damara didn't join in throwing but she provided great conversation and cheer for all of us! In general we had a wonderful time and look forward to doing fun outings like this again as a shire very soon. Hopefully even more shire members will be able to join in future outings!

Shire of Starhaven Arts and Sciences Symposium - June 15, 2024

Attended by: Mistress Damara, HL Beatrix de Tulp, Katerina Grôzyn, HL Conall Howell, and Christine Jackman

It was a fantastic day of classes and fellowship put on by our neighbors to the north and finished off by the first court of their Highnesses Prince Drust and Princess Kira 

Prince Durst and Princess Kira present their first award

Kingdom Crown Tournament - June 24 - 26, 2024

Attended by: Mistress Damara, Katerina Grôzyn, Ulf, HL Conall Howell

It was a super hot weekend, but that didn't damper the fun at all as we watched the crown tournament and their Highnesses Prince Drust and Princess Kira be crowned, participated in activities like archery practice, the Trimarian Choir, the Masque Laureate, and Bardic Circle.